Italy, Greece, London, Guernsey, France, the Cotswolds and the West Country. No wonder I’m pooped! It’s been an incredible year and one in which I’ve worked with some amazing photographers. A huge HI! and thank you to Charlie Campey, Natalie of Natalie J Watts, Naomi of Lush Imaging and Renate of Wit Photography. I’m insanely...
awesome set for your best of, with such variety. All the best 2020 🙂
Love the way you play with light Lucy, especially the low key. That noisy black and white photo of the bride going down the steps just speaks to me. And as soon as I saw the coffee and croissant shot I had to go to the kitchen and get some, there goes my New Year resolution diet!
I’m not usually a big fan of detail shots in blog posts but this works so well, love how you intertwine them with the wedding images. Such a great year. Also love your tilt shift work, so good!
Smashed 2019 – lovely work. Long time no see!!
WOW! Your wide shots are absolutely epic. In fact its all incredible. Huge amounts of talent here.
Lucy, your pictures delight me. I don’t know what it is but you have the ability to show all the aspects of human interaction and all the quirky odd moments and emotions that occur when people get together, whatever the occasion If you could bottle it you’d retire rich (put me down for a bottle).
Some epic work Lucy!!! Some very amazing locations as well, super jealous!! Here’s to another great year!
Awesome set, best wishes for 2020